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JobTeaser is the biggest database of young, educated, and qualified talent in Europe. We have partnered with over 750 universities to provide you with unrivalled access to students and recent graduates — young professionals at the beginning of their careers.

Find your perfect candidate

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Reach graduates directly

If you want to connect with the next generation of skilled workers, you need to be present where they are. JobTeaser's career centers offer exactly that. JobTeaser puts you first in line.

Trusted by some of the world’s biggest employers

JobTeaser is the only company to offer 100% guaranteed content reach thanks to our presence on higher education and university Intranet sites. With one click, you can post your job ads, internships and employer branding content to over 750 universities and schools — and reach more than five million young and qualified job seekers.

Strengthen your employer brand

Reach graduates directly

If you want to connect with the next generation of skilled workers, you need to be present where they are. JobTeaser's career centers offer exactly that. 

JobTeaser puts you first in line.

Trusted by some of the world’s biggest employers

JobTeaser is the biggest database of young, educated, and qualified talent in Europe. We have partnered with over 750 universities to provide you with unrivalled access to students and recent graduates — young professionals at the beginning of their careers.

Find your perfect candidate

JobTeaser is the only company to offer 100% guaranteed content reach thanks to our presence on higher education and university Intranet sites. With one click, you can post your job ads, internships and employer branding content to over 800 universities and schools — and reach more than five million young and qualified job seekers. 

Strengthen your employer brand

Everything you need for recruiting your future workforce

Some of our partner schools & universities

Become a part of their ecosystem now

Get direct accessGet direct access

Post in multiple locations with one click


Everything you need for recruiting your future workforce

Post your job ads and internships to over 800 universities and schools — in just one click. Once published, your job ads are visible in the personal accounts of more than five million young job seekers.

Target your jobs to the candidates who best match your criteria. Advertise your open positions directly to these applicants — and save time and effort by receiving the most targeted and relevant applications.

Filter through over five million student and graduate profiles to curate your own list of candidates — then reach out to them directly through JobTeaser. It’s as simple as filter, contact, hire.

Post in multiple locations with one click

Ultra-targeted applications, ultra-qualified candidates

Filter candidates by your criteria

Some of our partner schools & universities

Become a part of their ecosystem now

Get direct accessGet direct access

Post your job ads and internships to over 750 universities and schools — in just one click. Once published, your job ads are visible in the personal accounts of more than five million young job seekers.

Filter candidates by your criteria

Ultra-targeted applications, ultra-qualified candidates

Target your jobs to the candidates who best match your criteria. Advertise your open positions directly to these applicants — and save time and effort by receiving the most targeted and relevant applications.

Filter through over five million student and graduate profiles to curate your own list of candidates — then reach out to them directly through JobTeaser. It’s as simple as filter, contact, hire.

These companies already benefitted

“JobTeaser helps us highlight our employer branding by sharing it with students in our targeted universities, directly on their intranet. This way, our future employees will be able to understand if our ecosystem is the right one for them... and their onboarding is much easier.”
“Our partnership with JobTeaser plays a pivotal role in achieving this objective across a growing European network. There’s enormous potential for our future collaboration with JobTeaser!”
“Thanks to JobTeaser, we've boosted our employer branding and our reach among students and recent graduates. Our Key Account Managers guide us and suggest solutions that really answer our needs.”